The Wheat in the Field

Monday, June 05, 2006

Yes, I am a happy man.

Prerequisite reading: A Surprise Date, The Follow-Up Date

It appears that the dates that Matt and I went on with Kara and Mindy have good effects! Mindy was gone most of this past weekend at a wedding. She returned home last night and said that we (Matt and I) could come over and hang out if we wanted to. I figured that it would be good to give her a little bit of time to unwind after all the travelling she had been through, but she didn't seem to need it.

So we went over to their pad and right as the door opened and we stepped inside, Mindy comes up to me and hugs me! I was like, "Wow...that's cool. I can deal with that." It was a little unexpected but definitely welcomed. Anyway, we had some good times playing card games and making cookies and whatnot. They even let me use their 'scrumptious'-smelling soap that they bought from Bath and Body Works on our first date. Amazing.

The card games were getting a bit involved, so we decided to move it outdoors. Mindy's knees were bothering her from sitting down as long as she had been that day, so we went for a nice stroll around campus. I quite enjoyed it. Eventually, the others (Matt, Kara, Cyndra, and Athena) decided to join us in a pleasant walk, but we were devious and decided to go our own way.

Mindy and I took a nice walk in the gardens on campus and we found a nice spot to chill. We talked about a lot of things, but eventually we started talking about more serious matters. All I have to say about that to the world is, "Yes, I am a happy man." As we walked back to Mindy's place we had a nice, cosy chat. I repeat, "Yes, I am a happy man."

When I got home, I came across Matt at his computer. He seemed to be having a blast! He was chatting with Kara online and things seemed to be going well with them. Matt was a little confused when he decided to go back to our apartment, but his little conversation with Kara afterwards cleared things up quite a bit. I guess the actual condition of their relationship is still pending, but it's looking pretty good. I'm sure Matt would join me in proclaiming, "Yes, I am a happy man."

And this is what becomes of a surprise date for all but one involved. Grand, isn't it?


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